October 18, 2020

Be Careful What You Wish For

October 3. Almost every day of the past 3+ years I've woken up and reached for the laptop to see if he's dead. Often in the middle of the night I'll check the phone. At some point I stopped wanting him dead, but wanting him and lots of his people to suffer. Tuesday's presidential debate made the hate even more fervent. I still don't think that Biden will win, and feel as if our future will be catastrophic no matter the outcome.

On top of it, I have three different Caringbridge accounts that keep giving me poignant medical updates on people I care for who have health problems. Mrguy says that factoring in the base level of misery he's actually quite happy!

We had an awesome time for mrguy's birthday. I went to see the mama and then picked up dinner from a place owned by a guy I used to work with and his partner, who used to work at the forklift factory. They opened the restaurant just 18 months before the pandemic. We like giving them our support.

Due to the heat wave and wildfire smoke, we holed up with a fan and air purifier in what we're calling Man Room Theater, which is the Man Room with two chairs set up so we can watch tv. With food and wine in place we watched two episodes of Mrs Maisel, which is our "pretty place". After that was all said and done and that room had gotten so hot we had to leave, we went back upstairs.

Special birthday bonus: first the news about Hope Hicks, and then POTUS. A boy could barely have gotten a better birthday present. Unlike me, mrguy wasn't hoping for death all this time. His favorite fantasy is that the president will get COVID (so far so good!), suffer mightily, recover, lose the election, be convicted of his many crimes, go to prison, contract COVID again, and continue to suffer mightily.

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