May 17, 2022

May Vacation

I took a week off work so that I could have some downtime.

Let's say it didn't get off to a great start but things are swell now. 

On Saturday I was still feeling the effects of Thursday's Covid booster.

Sunday morning's Google Meet with a friend was interrupted by calls from two different caregivers, never a good thing. Most of Sunday was spent shopping for things needed by caregivers of "suddenly bedridden people who can't wake up", and then helping the caregiver on duty with things that require two people. When she suggested we get some Ensure because my mom wasn't awake long enough to eat, I began to panic a little. I'd never seen mom so helpless. She did wake up long enough to whisper "You've hurt me" after we were done rolling her over and the caregiver left the room. Caregiver T was amazing that day.

Almost all of Monday was spent communicating with my sisters and the local Wellness team, buying more supplies for mom. I found myself considering, for possibly the first time, whether she could actually be a woman who was dying, rather than a person who was most defiantly living. But good omens come in all forms, apparently. In her case it was poop in the livingroom. If there is poop in the living room she must have been awake enough to navigate there. Also this was a head's up that the new side-opening briefs I got her on Sunday were pretty lousy at retaining their contents. Today...

Everything seems fine. As recently as yesterday afternoon I was thinking about abandoning vacation entirely. 

Anyhoo, thanks for the trip, Lazarus! Just like my dad, I swear. He could be almost dead and then you'd go visit him in the hospital and he'd be acting like the mayor of whatever wing he was in.

By the time evening arrived yesterday, I was settling in to a night of watching sumo with clamdip and her husband, and things finally seemed to be turning around. Thank god for friends! And at this very moment I'm putting up a batch of lemon-lime marmalade that I'm giving away on my buy nothing group *just* because I want to make marmalade. 

Boy kitten is sleeping sweetly on a chair.

All good -- until next time.

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