April 17, 2024

Who Knew?

Today we have a bunch of cancer jobs, so I'm taking the day off. In general, things are going well. Mrguy has more energy than he's had since February. Don't know if that's due to treatment or eating or both, but he's puttering like crazy -- vacuuming, bringing in the garbage cans, getting his own meals, making me coffee. None of these are things I could have imagined a few weeks ago. I cried when I told my therapist how odd it is to feel this level of gratitude in the midst of such a cruddy situation.

Yesterday we went to the hospital for an 8:30pm head MRI. This is all due to the eye situation. I am glad that they prioritized this, somewhat amazed that the radiology department has night appointments, and glad that nobody told us they were admitting mrguy. I have a saying "Pack for capture", by which I mean pack as if they're going to admit you for some random reason. When the hospital is over an hour away, you can't just run home for stuff you forgot, so this is what I do now. I was very happy to put those items away once we got home.

Another moment of gratitude? Realizing that we had been to the radiology building before and that when we were there I was pushing mrguy in a wheelchair. Last night he walked with me from the parking lot.

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