April 4, 2024

Chemo #2: It's a Beautiful Day

Things have been feeling pretty darned good in the almost week since mrguy has not visited a hospital. His appetite is good, nausea almost non-existent. We watched tv together for the first time in a month. He has watched whole baseball games. He played with his synthesizers yesterday. He did the taxes! He shaved! Regular guy stuff.

A friend made us a white miso soup and I made a yummy udon soup for mrguy with it. So good! So appreciated!

On Sunday, the Easter Bunny visited, in the guise of miss clam dip. 

In the morning she stopped by with some deviled eggs, which are mrguy's favorite. And she asked "Do you have any lemon cake?". As if we regularly do. It was cute. So later in the afternoon she arrived with a gorgeous cake which I am feeding mrguy with ice cream every night after dinner.

He has gained 2 pounds, according to the scale today. Not sure how accurate this is, since it's not the same scale that we used last week at a different infusion center in a different city.

And that is where we are. In a different infusion center in a different city across the water. We brought Gatorade and sandwiches from mr pickles.

Happiness: mrguy's sodium is normal. Finally! We credit food. Eating is a good thing.

Happiness: the Troponin is very low. 4?

Happiness: the oncologist said he's happy with how mrguy's doing.

Happiness: he said he wouldn't make us come back over here and go to the ER today.

Happiness: he said "Let's get on the path to long-term survival" uhhh, that's happiness right? I'll take it.

Happiness: a nice blue SUV on the upper deck of the garage

This is only part of the stuff that's going into mrguy today:

Last week I had a visit from the friend I went to Remain in Light with in December, which seems like a crazy long time ago. And she took home the pork egg drop soup that a friend brought over that we wouldn't eat. She came on her motorcycle and I have no idea how she got it home without spilling. She said it was delicious.

I hope that there isn't more to say today, because we've had more than our share of wrinkles. An hour to go and then we get to go home to the kitties.

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