May 19, 2024


A fellow on a fb group that I follow spoke dismissively about a granola bar that was only worthy of giving to the parrots. He said they were "heath bar things" and I didn't realize he meant "health bar things," so I went on a tangent in a comment, telling a story that I can't believe I haven't written down before. 

There are feral parrots in this area. One morning many years ago my friends were on their balcony drinking coffee and looking at the birds in the trees. Their conversation went like this: 
"I'm going to lure one of those parrots." 
"With what?" 
"With this Twix bar". 
As promised, Adam held the Twix bar in his hand. A bird flew to Adam and perched on his arm. Adam smugly brought him indoors. It was just like Adam to be able to charm the birds out of the trees.
About 12 years later Rudy (an African grey parrot) was acting funny. Adam looked in the cage and Rudy was revealed to be Trudy, as she'd laid an egg. She continued to lay the odd egg from time to time after that.

So ends the story of Rudy-Trudy. 

Or so I thought -- another update! I went to Safeway yesterday to stock up for the weekend. Our Safeway shares space with a Petco. In the parking lot I was walking toward the store behind a lady carrying something, and our eyes both leapt to a handsome man who seemed to be the spokesperson for the color goldenrod. Crisp goldenrod sweatshirt, wearing Timberlands, carrying a large matching dog bed. The woman stopped in her tracks and said something about it. I blurted out "You look amazing!" and then I realized that the woman was carrying a birdcage. 

"Is that an African Grey?" 

"Yes, he likes to shop with me"


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