May 24, 2024

Tough Week, But Whatever

This week we learned that the most promising of mrguy’s cancer drugs might be causing him to lose his sight. And that in addition to the many “-ologists” on our team we now need to meet with two surgeons: one for the brain and one for the eyes.

And one of the cats had tummy trouble and pooped down his leg and then tracked it all over the laundry room, dining room, hallway, dining table and the bills on the dining room table. That part was pretty funny — TELL ‘EM, GORDIE!!

It happened again the next day, to a lesser extent, but he was equally unhappy about being washed in the kitchen sink the second time. No bills were harmed on day two. 

On day three mrguy cracked me up by following Gordon to the cat box, just in case. All good.

That might have all happened the same day that they laid off 200 people at the forklift factory (including two bandmates and a former bandmate, plus a neighbor, and some people who I have worked with for just shy of 24 years). Who can remember? It’s a lot, People. 

And yet there was still joy to be found. Disconsolate but somehow deciding to ask for help for once, I asked a friend if she was available for a walk. She brought another friend and we did what I call the “buns of steel” walk, a steep staircase at the end of the street that ends in additional challenging (yet suburban) terrain. That, my friends, was the joy I found. Sweet friends who I hope secretly boast to their other friends that I make them do the “buns of steel” walk. They ask way too many questions on a walk, and I love them. 

I was this lucky a year ago but I just didn’t know it.

Addendum -- Incoming! Apparently Cack and Blick are using the long weekend for some spring cleaning. They found this item in their garage and shared this photo. 

I tell ya, man, branding is everything. I shared this post on a fb group and a friend from high school who I didn't recall was on that group shared her hopes for mrguy, and I invited her to do the buns of steel with me. We will be making a date.

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