December 28, 2021

Sex And The City

I loved SATC as much as the next person, but people are losing their minds over the reboot. 

For years, fans wanted more Sex. Knowing this, the Hollywood press asked Kim Cattrall over and over about returning to play Samantha. She all but SHOUTED "no". Nobody seemed to listen to her or believe her, because they wanted a different answer. It became a thing.

Planning for the show moved ahead anyway. It's probably easy to say in retrospect, but SATC was a very 2000s show. Placing those characters (and those actors!) in a post Me Too world would seem like a true challenge. It's a surprise to some that the show doesn't meet expectations...and every episode is greeted by the shrieks of the damned.

The surprise surprises me, and I'm ready to stop hearing about it.

Thank you for listening to my rant.

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