September 8, 2023

You Know That Thing?

That thing where your caregiver randomly asks to borrow 1500 clams by Friday until the end of November, and that you need to keep it a secret from her mom who is your other caregiver? And that thing where her mom asks to borrow 400 clams, until who knows when, for the same important church tithing thing? Yeah, I guess you probably don't. I love our caregivers, but we are also helping them care for the Tongan church. Don't get me started on the pyramid scheme that they contribute to, where everybody gets paid every once in a while unless someone who is contributing dies, in which case their heirs get the whole pool and everybody loses a turn. Our caregivers are super smart and upright ladies, and I don't like to think of what would happen if it didn't pay off for them. I guess they'd come to us for help and they'd be ok. Haha

We are so into one another's business that we should just all adopt one another.

Or you know the thing where your dear brother-in-law who has undiagnosed and untreated ADHD mistakenly takes a wrong turn into Canada on the way home and is pulled over without identification (I think) and is just high enough to get his truck impounded and can't figure out how to get it back? The thing where your sweet husband has to figure it out and explain it to the brother who then doesn't have the money to get the car back but *also* can't tell you how to get the money to him. No PayPal or Venmo, no place to cash a check. Where do his SSI checks go every month? That has to be a bank, right? 

You know that thing? Happens to everybody, right?

We are super happy to help. Super happy that although we've known lots of super broke times we are now people who can provide for others. But mrguy says that sometimes he feels like the big cartoon pork chop walking around surrounded by cartoon wolves licking their lips waiting to gobble him up. I get it. 

mrguy's family has no-money and mental illness problems. mrsguy's family has money and mental illness problems. We are doers of favors and providers of clams, and sometimes he and I feel like we're huddled together, secure, in the middle of a shit blizzard. We want to take the kitties and get in the car and drive to the moon.

And with that, welcome to Staycation 2023, which is better than no 'cation at all, but still.

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