December 26, 2023

Christmas is Over!

OK, it only worked out partway, but it could have been worse.

The last few years' Christmases have been so difficult.

2022: Two days of hosting grandkids at my mom's. Then the Christmas from hell where I was her caregiver. She was angry, called me a slut, wouldn't let me change her depends, tried to break her own finger and tried to eat a figurine, which she later broke.

2021: Two days of hosting grandkids at my mom's. After that Thanksgiving (during which mrguy had a migraine) I promised myself that my mom would not ever sleep here again, so when I was hosting grandkids, it was by picking her up at her place, bringing her to mine, and then sleeping over at her place. We had Christmas dinner at her place. She complained about how I'd given her too many presents. Complained about the food I served her so I made something else and she complained about that also. Challenged the clock, thinking it was morning. 

2020: Made and delivered Christmas dinner to mom and her caregiver. The next morning, when mrguy and I were having Christmas, Observed, she called twice and I didn't pick up. Then she made her caregiver drive her over here and I wouldn't let her in (still pandemic time). Then she called crying a few hours later and wanted my forgiveness. Mrguy got a migraine. 

And yesterday? The plan was for us to go for a walk and take the Fred Flintstone bank to Coinstar. But mrguy got two migraines on top of the migraine that he just got over. I hung out with boy kitten and cooked. I made deviled eggs and stuffed potatoes and delivered eggs and Chex mix to our neighbors next door and to the clam family down the street. Then I stated rewatching The World at War, cause nothing says Christmas like the Holocaust, right? I have no idea why The World at War seemed cozy, especially since the subject matter is so horrifying, but it reminds me of being fascinated by history and watching the series with my parents when I was a kid. I got to stay up until 10pm just because of this show. Also I was completely fascinated by the Holocaust when I was in middle school. It (1973) was a time when people who had been through the war (soldiers, survivors of the American camps and German camps) began to speak about their experiences. Anyhoo, I'm still mystified about how Hitler managed to gain power. And quite afraid of the xenophobia and right wing power grabs happening across the world and at home. I want to understand. And that was Christmassy. And then I watched a reality show and went to bed.

On the light side, I did go out doors and I saw some happenings in the garden. First, our camellia Debutante is starting to bloom.

And then this guy is blooming for the first time since being planted. I guess it has bloomed in the past but the cloven one has eaten it before we can see. Ahhh.

And in a final happy note, I spoke to The Broham, and he picked up an 8-string Kamaka tenor uke for me while helping clean out a friend's garage. I can't wait to see it in person!

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