July 9, 2024

Bear City

We are big fans of SNL. To this day. And we keep saying that we'll put together a playlist some day of our favorite bits. Some of our favorites are pretty obscure, and they're part of our family language.


The last time we visited the neuro opthalmologist, we exited through this door:
and mrguy said "Thank you for visiting Bear City".

Which is funny to nobody but us.

Bear City was a series of little films on SNL a jillion years ago about bears doing banal things in a world of bears. Maybe 30 seconds worth of things, bracketed by an intro and outro narrated by Fred Willard.

I can't seem to locate a clip of my favorite, about a bear whose wife calls down to the bar and tries to get her husband to come home. If you substitute bears for humans, it reminds me of my parents in the 1960s. 

And bar but not bear related, while we were visiting our family in 1980 we needed to find one of our cousins, who had left the house a while earlier. Our family lived in a tiny town in New York where nobody locked their front door or their cars. This town was able to support three bars, however. One was the Bucket of Blood, one was Gallagher's (I think) and I can't remember the third. Anyhoo, the best way to find one of our cousins was to call one of the downtown bars, since everybody knew everybody. One cousin calls the bar and finds a sibling there, who talks to him, puts down the phone, goes outside, comes back in and says "Well I'm downtown and I don't see him". 

Thank you for visiting Bear City.

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