July 6, 2024

Cat Litter

The big glamour boy is back from his latest vet visit. He has paw cancer. After he chewed his paw and opened his stitches (again) they started wrapping the paw. It finally started healing, and I'm super stoked. 

Of course now his sneezing problem has reasserted itself. About once a month he goes on antibiotics and probiotics and it clears up.

There's always a catch with the vet. They treat us and our cats fabulously -- really. And I give my free forklift theme park tickets to our friends at the front desk because a) I don't use them and b) it makes me happy to see them happy. We have known them since they were young adults and now they are adult adults. They cried with us when Nose died, and one of our friends invited us to her wedding (which happened when mr guy was first sick). One of the doctors recently admitted that we are some of her favorite patients and that she still has a picture of Nose above her desk. These are our cat people.

With that said, there is always a catch. Like recently when they said that the big glamour boy would have to come back every 3 to 4 days to have his paw re-wrapped and seen by the doctor. It worked out fine, but I worried at first about how I'd manage to come back in that frequency and do all of life's other stuff.

The catch last time was a good one. The doctor came out and said "I have some good news, for once." That really threw me for a loop. The good news being that she and the big boy's other main doctor looked at his paw and agreed that it was forming granulating tissue, which is vet-speak for healing. He would need one more wrap and then he'd be free to walk about the cabin.

He still has cancer, but this was good news.

This time the catch was that his paw is looking good but we need to not use clumping cat litter and preferably use torn up newspaper for the cat boxes, and he'll be seen again on Tuesday. This visit was free. So mrguy and I cut up the Sunday Times and I decanted the clean litter from the cat boxes into the box downstairs which we will now not use for the next week.

Operation cat box is complete for now. Unless they balk. We'll see!

In the meantime, while researching the proper way to tear newspaper for cat box puttin', I found instructions on how to make litter pellets from newspaper. It is so hot right now in the aku room that I'm sure it would not take long to accomplish this. Gets my crafty nerves tingling just thinking about it, and should I endeavor, I will certainly post.

In the meantime, the big glamorous boy is sleeping on his future toilet.

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