July 7, 2024

Happy Days

There has been brightness this week. Mrguy has been off chemo in preparation for his eye surgery, but then it didn't happen yet and I hope for chemo this week. His mood is brighter, he's been less sleepy and it's been nice to spend time together. He watches baseball and I sit nearby communicating with the world and learning new things as all introverts do, on the computer.

Oh look! What I'm doing now!

We just had visits with that nice boy on Saturday and with Cack and Blick yesterday. It was rejuvenating to just hang out and be normal with old friends. And there were baked goods. That nice boy brought coconut bars (recipe c/o Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk), and C&B brought an entire effing chocolate cake. Mrguy was pro on both accounts! Tomorrow we have a visit from one of our nephews.

In the meantime, there have been other pleasant things. Today we woke up to lots of fog, and the heat has subsided.

We just finished an omelette made with only green eggs. Our friend Junior gives us the ones with funny shapes because she knows we appreciate them:

Yesterday I went to the market and there was much joy. I am filled with love when I see the little touches made by the young ladies who work the cash registers and wear rock tshirts. Clearly they were in charge of the chalk when this sandwichboard was made. I told them I loved it, and they were so happy that at least one person got the Korn reference. Note the potato doorstop in the background, and then the close up in which I bring you a favorite thing -- when the potato doorstop gets super floppy. This potato-as-doorstop is a tradition that predates the young ladies.

Another bright spot in the week was taking Tiger Brown to the drive-thru car wash. When I went with M&R the other week the $7 three color foam car wash had no colors. On the way out I mentioned the lack of colors and suggested to the man operating the car wash might want to check the soap colors in the drive-thru because in the words of M&R I am "a crazy white lady". Guessing they were mortified. 

This week I chatted him up about his day and we talked about how you're not supposed to go through the drivethru if you have certain kinds of roof racks (i.e. don't take your construction truck through the wash -- it tears stuff up). Noted!

On this fine day all 3 colors of foam were represented. Man, I love the car wash and the three color foam. Pretty recent realization. Also this place is super old school and budget. It won't always be there, so I will enjoy it while it is.

Finally, I had a few moments in the garden yesterday and gathered some bits in order to make a flower arrangement. This little cast iron planter is probably my favorite thing from my grandmother's and my mom's house. It's just the right size for putting on the shelf with a bunch of mismatched foliage. Sometimes I don't exactly hit it out of the park with my composition, but whatever. My friend J's lavender helped perk things up and then I went straight for the suburbs with geranium.
There is one day of the weekend left, and I'm glad that it is here. It's going to be a busy week.

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