September 5, 2021

Adventures in Powdercoating, Part 2

The tables and chair came out looking great and I am so happy.

First, I heard that the tables were done and I could come pick up and then choose the color for my chair.  So I did that (I was working from home).

Witness the beauty of the table. It was rusty and sad before, and it was free because my sister left it behind when she moved to the Midwest. Now it is beautiful.

Then I had to pick out a color for the chair. What I really wanted was a blue-violet. But my choices were limited. They'd just painted a firetruck, so there was red. I knew there was yellow because they were working on coating some bollards for the roads agencies. There was teal (barf) and a translucent blue that I was too chicken to take, and then there was this blue. A very 1975 elementary school blue. I like it.

They told me that I could pick it up in a few hours and it looks effing amazing. It is smooth and bright and beautiful. I still have to make a new seat for it, but I put it right back out onto the porch and put my Buy Nothing Project giveaways on it. Makes me so happy.

Here are a few photos of the progress and the result:

What can I paint next? This level of transformation is addictive!

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