September 5, 2021

Summer's End

I really wanted to call this one Summer's Eve, because that's the name of an old school feminine hygiene product. My friends, and one in particular, would approve.

Sometimes she calls me her best friend. And I used to confidently refer to her as mine. But right now she wants some space. We had a year of Pandemic Monday phone calls, initiated by me. I never bailed. I didn't really consider whether I wanted to talk, because for the first time in forever I had her attention. We talked about every single thing on the face of the planet. And now that we're not stuck in the house any more, she has time for everybody else. Right after the trust had been rebuilt and my heart opened she indicated that she'd like to let me know when she wanted to talk again. The longer it goes, the more I understand what I had previously misunderstood. I have to say that it feels cruddy. But whatever. It isn't like we haven't done this before.

In the meantime the summer is ending and the days have been beautiful. I harvested tomatoes and then cut down my tomato plants yesterday. Then I cleaned up a bit in the aku room. The tomatoes were not plentiful but were delicious. I still find it fairly miraculous that I kept the seeds stuck to a paper towel for a year and then mistakenly flicked them onto some dirt and made 13 tomato plants. Gave some to friends. Grew the others myself because I felt guilty that they'd lived. And the other day I was able to eat a sun-warmed tomato while feeding the wee beastie.

It could be so much worse.

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