March 5, 2023

2023 Cruise -- Day 3

For a good time, go on a cocoa and alebrije painting excursion with Carlos. It was completely delightful and relaxing.

We met Carlos and he took us to a van, which ushered us to a location that teaches about the origins and development of cocoa. We also got to learn about the Aztec numbering system. Did I mention that our tour was small (6 of us) and all adults? They'd left their kids with their parents. Oh good.

I like to learn about plants, and there was some plant and bee knowledge laid on us. We got to eat some fresh-ground cocoa, which I'd never had. And then we went to a place called Barriocito, which was a cluster of cement buildings converted into and some purpose-built for outdoor tequila tasting and alebrije painting opportunities for tourists. 
Mrguy and I picked out some figures to paint that we thought were cats but turned out to be dogs. Photos of both together later, but here's mine in progress:
I don't know what it was, but painting little figurines for an hour and a half in a cement box in Mexico was the best relaxation I've had in many many months. And mrguy's alebrije is completely darling. He really snatched victory out of the jaws of defeat on this one, because he started painting the eye holes and ear interiors using a paintbrush whose hairs were clearly having a disagreement. It got all brushy and wild, and then he started to work with it further, and I found it so adorable that I just wanted to cry. It has personality for days. Mine is a little more uptight, as one could imagine.

I came back with cocoa bars, and our little figures, and some lotion made from cacao and a pink nativity scene and some tamarind liqueur which was delicious.

I could do that every day.

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