June 24, 2024

A Few Good Days

As I mentioned earlier, our friends are visiting from NY and we have been doing a few things while mrguy rests. He's lost weight and I am bummed about that and I have only a few days to get more poundage on him. 

Sad face. Good to have friends here to help shift the focus.

The other day we went on a walk in search of birds. We saw an osprey and a eucalyptus tree festooned with egrets.
There was also a pretty graveyard:
And views galore
And yesterday we went to the big old Asian grocery and looked at many things. I came back with snacks galore, and things to look up (what exactly do you do with jujubes?). We observed but did not purchase an item labeled "Brands Essence of Chicken".

Today we went to the shredding place. Somehow it keeps getting cheaper. $5!! And to get there we had to navigate the side streets filled with encampments. I take my friends to the best places. And then to the tile and stone store where they have a warehouse full of groovy slabs.

After a little lunch we went to the giant warehouse full of weird crap. 
Buried water line!

M was looking for a cool looking metal box to make a guitar pedal out of. Then thought better of it. 

There was also a bunch of weird old gear that had asset tags from the local university and one of the broadcast tv stations.

And when we got home there was a huge package of homemade chocolate chip cookies from the hammer. Much appreciated!

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