June 5, 2024

An Unusual Anniversary

We are sooo not good at celebrating things, and yesterday was no exception.

We took a lovely drive to the eye clinic for mrguy's appointment with the neuro-opthalmalogist. As usual, Dr. K., the Resident, gave us hope ("It's trending downward" is what he always says) and then his boss, Dr. B. said that it's stable. She has a tendency to say many interesting things in between the things she's supposed to say. So we learned that mrguy could get a vp shunt (venous peritoneal), but in cancer patients it could deliver cancer to parts of the body it's not already in. Or it can clog. And that the fenestration of the optical nerve we've been discussing can also close up after a bit.

Can't he just have cancer?

After a visual field test -- fate threw us a bone and the 1:30 appointment canceled -- we drove home.

Mrguy has had a sore throat since his last chemo, so it was a very long and quiet drive in traffic that let me conjure up all of my bonkers thoughts and get agitated and worked up. I was super stressed that he would not eat the lunch I packed, and that he'd forgotten his pills, and that I had a million errands when we got home.

So I dropped off mrguy, and went to the vet to get sweet boy kitty's latest antibiotics (does he have a sarcoma? or something else? he's been wearing the cone for weeks to keep his very efficient teeth off the lump on his arm). On my last trip to the vet I learned that one of our dear younger friends there is also a cancer wife now. She just got married to her boyfriend recently and now he's got Stage IV colon cancer. Argh. Hugs. Welcome.

Then to the supermarket, which is so different now. Couldn't find what I really wanted. Irony = the aisle that used to hold soy products is now an additional beer aisle. 

Then to the pharmacy for my own medications.

Then to our little market for guava juice for mrguy's throat.

Then some sitting and drinking beer. I found the latest David Chang live, where he was cooking for two famous ex-basketball players. I know nothing about basketball but I have a friend who likes basketball and David Chang, so I let him know. He booted it up and watched it while he cleaned the kitchen.

Mrguy pretty much slept from the time we got home, so that was our anniversary.

I love him.

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