June 15, 2024


This big boy has a boo boo on his foot. We found him making bloody footprints on the floor a month ago and have been to the doctor many times trying to figure out what it's all about. There's a growth, and he bites it when he gets a chance, even after it's healed up. Argh. Last week our doctor complained about how bad his foot smelled. That was kinda funny. I ministered to him dutifully after that.

We had a recheck on Tuesday, and surgery on Wednesday to remove the growth, and he's been tripping ever since. At one point mrguy asked if we should be giving him some pain meds before we left him alone in the house to go to an appointment. "Not until he stops acting like that," I said. He was rubbing his head on the floor and acting completely loopy.

The day after cat surgery our nephew came to visit, and brought home-baked chocolate chip cookies, mrguy's favorite treat. One of the few cool things about his current situation is that he gets to eat cookies whenever he wants, in order to keep his weight up.

And one of the cool things about being a cat is that you go wherever you want and do whatever you want, even if you're almost 14, on drugs, and wearing a cone. Mid-week, mrguy found the big boy on the kitchen floor writhing around, having stolen a container of cookies from the counter.

Final thing, and this has become a meme this week in our home...

The cat's doctor for this smelly paw situation is from Eastern Europe and has a delicious accent. She's a bit of a tomboy and a bit of a goof. After the surgery the other day, she gave me a call. I wanted to know whether she had a notion of what the growth on the cat's paw was, so I said "Do you have a feeling..." She cut me off.

"NO feelings."

So good. All week mrguy and I turn to each other and say "NO feelings."

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