June 9, 2024

And This Is Love

When I read my friend's post on fb, I recognized it as true love. What a goof:

“And up on the main stage, give it up for Emilyyyyyy!”

and other things that I say, in a strip-joint announcer’s voice, when my wife is on the toilet.

There are things that mrguy has done in the past that fill me with that "Omg -- what? You are so messed up -- awwww" feeling. He really understands timing and (maybe) the fact that he's known as a gentleman. When he steps out of that role and says something outrageous it is just extra funny. He is both my favorite wordsmith and my favorite audience. The funniest thing he has ever said, and it is legendary in our home, cannot be repeated here.

This week has been caca. Mrguy's last chemo flattened him like a giant anvil or piano falling from the sky in the Roadrunner cartoons. I think I already mentioned how high his temperature was that first night. And he felt awful the next day, as you do, but then it just continued, his nausea never abating. When he doesn't eat it freaks me out. 

Turns out that some immodium might have helped. Sometimes you forget the simple stuff. 

Days passed with him in bed, making a brief appearance for coffee, but then returning to his nest. Again, unable to eat. Usually during the cycle we can get a Mr. Pickles sandwich or something, but this time the nausea went on and on.


The other day, after the revelation of imodium or perhaps just a matter of time, the sparkle returned. Yesterday there was an announcement that there was appetite. When I told him that I was thinking of making lasagne, then realized that I had two commercial frozen lasagnes in the...freezer, I saw him perk up for real. He really wanted me to make a lasagne. And so that's what I did, people. I made a freakin lasagne. He liked it.

Of course I wasn't exactly thinking about the times in which we live and now I have a giant meat lasagne that would feed a university water polo team and we have mostly vegetarian friends who would not help us eat this giant expression of love.

Here is the big mess I made while cooking:

Here is the beeeeautious lasagne:

And a pretty tidy kitchen afterward:

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