June 24, 2024

Intriguing Medical Updates (Now With Update)

As readers of mrsguy may recall, I did my endoscopy on Thursday while M&R took mrguy on the long trek to the eye institute and MRI center. Results are not in yet.

But mrguy's are. The most recent vision field test was bad. However his brain MRI revealed some reduction in size of the blood clots. That is heading in the right direction, which is awesome. 

This morning bright and early we got a call from the eye institute inviting us to a consultation with the surgeon tomorrow morning. Our existing appointment was for July 18th, 3 weeks from now, which the head of neurology said two weeks ago that he was not cool with. "In Neurology we move quickly," he said. He indicated that if the next vision field test showed any further deterioration he was going to make things happen -- either eye surgery or the stent.

So we get up at 5am tomorrow because we will be driving in full weekday morning traffic to get to our 8am consultation tomorrow. 

We do not care. 

This is fantastic.


The surgeon was great. She wants to move quickly because his peripheral vision is worsening and once it gets closer to the center it progresses swiftly.

Mrguy's chemo is postponed depending on surgery scheduling. 

They're moving him back to the bogus blood thinner until after the surgery, we assume.

He had his labs done yesterday and his cancer marker numbers continue to decrease, which is great.

And the cat is having his abdominal ultrasound today. His lungs were clear last week and they are redoing the pathology just in case.

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