August 14, 2024


I love this word, and fenestration is what is happening today. To be specific -- optic nerve fenestration. Mrguy is having an operation to release the fluid that is cramping his optic nerve. I've watched the procedure on youtube. It's fascinating.

A small reminder of how we got here:
  • Some cancers make your blood sticky / hypercoagulable
  • That led to thrombosis in mrguy's internal jugular vein (IJV).
  • Which caused a  backup of the cerebrospinal fluid in his brain
  • Which caused pressure on the optic nerve
  • Which caused papilledema
  • Which caused him to lose some of his peripheral vision
Our neuro opthalmologist tried to treat the papilledema medically, and a change in anticoagulant medication made the blood clots (more developed) reduce in size but the papilledema remains, so we have surgery today. The goal is to stop the vision loss. If we are really lucky he might regain some vision. If we're really really lucky treating one eye might help the other eye.

Our call time? 5am. I got up at 2:45.

But the word fenestration? So good. Comes from the Latin word fenestra (window). 
back in the day we used to joke that if something was really terrible we'd defenestrate (throw ourselves out of a window). Just because we liked the sound of that complicated word. So mrguy is getting a window cut in the sheath surrounding his optic nerve. And I get to sit around and write blog posts until the procedure is over.


Procedure over at 9am!

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