August 12, 2024

And Now We Wait

I just handed mrguy what, in my family, we would call "the bomb" -- a laxative. It was a recipe given to us at his first chemo appointment by the nurse who I'll call "mr practical". He gave us *all* of the wisdom about what it's like to do chemo, what to expect, and how to summon reluctant poops.

I made his magic potion for mrguy: 8oz prune juice and 1 tablespoon butter, sipped over 10 minutes time. It's supposed to make it happen within 4 hours. Fingers crossed, because he has eye surgery on Wednesday and needs to be flowing freely for that.

On flipside of this situation -- last Sunday I had a cramp in my abdomen in the night. I went to the bathroom and did my business and suddenly I couldn't stop. It was like colonoscopy prep, but I also felt like I was losing consciousness. So scary. I was unable to leave the bathroom, so I didn't. After an hour it stopped and I went back to bed. I feel fine now, and I talked to a doctor and had some labs done and they came out ok. I do have to wonder whether it was an appendicitis attack. The pain was right in that quadrant of my abdomen. I have a regularly scheduled appt with gastroenterology this week, so we'll discuss it then.

This concludes the meeting of the lower intestine subcommittee of the guy family corporation.

Update: by 9:46 the issue was resolved.

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