August 17, 2024

Mr Medical Mystery Cat

I took the sweet boy cat to his regular vet on Tuesday and the oncologist yesterday.

The regular vet is treating his sinus infection, which is still ongoing. He has been having these insane sneezes that are more like sneezures. They sound as if theres a deflated balloon up there. The doctor knocked him out last week and rootled around up there and she said it looks inflamed but nothing worrisome. 

Then he came home and slept in the cat box for a week. Also -- back to litter made out of paper pellets.

We tried a different antibiotic this week, which may be helping and, oh, he developed an abscess in his paw, so I'm soaking it twice a day. It has now cleaned up.

I expected that we were going to start chemo yesterday, when I took the boy to the oncologist. Instead she said that he's doing really well, is such a nice boy, and she checked him out up and down and can find nothing worrisome. He seems fine, and she'll see us in two months unless something worries us.

So where's the lymphoma? We do not know. He has had lymph issues for most of his life, so this may be unknowable, but in a good way.

Also she asked about mrguy and when I told her he is in remission the shock was so great that she jumped. Of course she's an *oncologist* so she thought that was super fantastic.

And so do we. 

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