August 24, 2024

Joy. More Joy. Gotta Have It.

It's important to find the joy. In tough times, I have my question mark pendant to remind me not to catastrophize.

For today's happiness we have:

  • The DNC convention, which was full of optimism
  • Watching an indie film by a guy who I follow on fb. A film about the incarceration of Japanese Americans during the war. Clam accompanied.
  • Mrguy's tumor marker numbers went down again!
  • Mrguy South bought us tickets to see Souled American in Chicago in October
  • The eye surgeon is very pleased with the reduction in mrguy's optic nerve swelling post-op
  • Big boy cat's sniffles seem to be under control
  • I bought a new painting that is beautiful
  • In honor of my 24th anniversary at the forklift factory my coworker made my selfie into a Slack emoji for "Wooooo!" which became my celebratory cry for all of the accomplishments big and small that my teammates made during the pandemic and beyond.
  • I got the lady room window open (it is perpetually stuck)
  • Hearing mrguy say "It's straight up raining, yo!" and having it be true. Love some rain in August
  • Precious nephew is coming over today and we are going to brainstorm clearing out my mom's storage unit
  • Finding that I have two copies of my favorite Juan Guzman card. The one on the left was in my 2000 day at a glance. The one on the right was in my stash, and I put it in a new sleeve

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