So the good news is still good, but today when I asked the doctor what he meant by "complete remission" he said that mrguy was on the *way* to complete remission. I pressed him on this, since three weeks ago he said mrguy was in complete remission and that it was a miracle (while also saying that we were going to keep doing the same chemo) and he kinda backpedaled. Boo.
Also, mrguy's one tumor marker which was its lowest last week (28, with under 35 being normal), ticked up to 30, which is the first rise we've had.
Those numbers came in *after* our visit was over, so I can't ask about that. Again, boo. He hasn't had oxaliplatin for two cycles, so maybe he needs it. Again, it is still in the normal range, so I'm not going to sweat it.
All the news that's fit to print. Today we met the doctor for the first time in person. But it also meant that today's chemo took all day. We left the house around 9:30 and got back around 7:30. I did a bunch of genealogy sleuthing during the waiting time, and have found a new book, about food, that I have absolutely no recollection of downloading. It helped the almost two hour drive home go a little more smoothly.
Now we're home, the cats are fed, the cans are out at the curb and I have the yelling people (CNN) on the tv. I do not know why there are any republican strategists of color.
Good night!