It offers me the following ad:
November 30, 2024
Facebook Knows Me
I'm trying new things these days. A person in one of my local fb groups suggested a meetup for people who do craft projects. I took up the needle and joined in, admitting that most of my handiwork is aspirational. I brought some of my projects. I even went to the yarn store prior to the meeting, in order to get some thread. And I showed up at our local bar.
I very much admire the work of the person who had suggested the meetup. She does visible mending and has amazing taste.
We ordered beers. I was judging her taste a bit, it seems.
The bartenders were playing some great music while we talked -- Os Mutantes, some reggae, Beatles songs that we both like that aren't overplayed. Then they played a song -- already forgot which one -- that I used to play in a band 800 years ago. I mentioned this fact, and she asked me what instrument I play.
"I played bass"
"I also play bass." Then she listed her basses, most of which I didn't know but she *did* play a Rick. Ooooh. I've always loved that bass for its sustain. It really feels special when you're playing it.
Then she said:
Her: "I played in a band called (very obscure band name)"
Me: "After (name of previous girl bass player) left? My husband is mrguy"
So she had recorded with my husband at his studio. Also I remember meeting her in the basement of a club in the City. Her band had opened for his the week we got married.
My mind was completely blown. She had replaced my former friend in that band, and my ex-friend had long-term unpleasant feelings about that band and its members back in the day. Like my former friend, this girl had a hard time in this band and felt separate from the other members. Well the first part of that last sentence is accurate and the second applies only to her. My ex-friend wasn't very open about her own experience in that band. Or perhaps I wasn't listening. There were many things you weren't allowed to ask that person about.
Anyway, we talked and talked. Had many common interests. And we sewed.
November 28, 2024
Winter Garden
Boy am I loving my winter garden. Leaves are my flowers, mostly, because the deer around here eat almost anything that blooms, and the leaves are leafing!
First, some traditional friends:
First camellia of the season (Debutante):
November 23, 2024
I am enjoying being super subliminal this weekend.
Friday kicked off with Pilates, therapy and a buns of steel walk with a friend.
Saturday I went to the Mormon library and did some research you can only do on the library wifi, which was nice. Things have changed over there. Nobody asked me to put my bag in a locker. I sat on a couch with my laptop and did my research in comfort, which is basically what I do at home. They had ten cent Laffy Taffys. I bought a lime and a banana. The ride home was super dull, but I'm listening to Alison Hammond's memoir and she's great company. Plus she's a really nice person. I got to do a segment with her once about 15 years ago and it was super fun. I felt like she was my new best friend, but now I realize that she is the entire world's best friend. Great gal.
I did a supermarket shop before coming home, and bought bogels (bogus supermarket bagels) for our birthday breakfast. A blueberry for mrguy, which is traditional (and gross, in my opinion). I had planned for us to get a mani-pedi, but mrguy's saying no. I don't want to get a mani-pedi alone on my birthday.
Mrguy: I support your mani-pedi
Me: How is this support? This seems like saying no
Mrguy, laughing: By allowing you to have a mani-pedi
Me: Will you help me put up my Christmas arch?
Mrguy: Yes
Me: Would you make me more coffee?
Mrguy, incredulously: You want more coffee?
Me: That also sounds like a no.
Mrguy: I said I'd help with your arch
Me: Will you get the thermos from my desk and bring me my throat coat? Basically I want to ask you to do things and for you to do them.
We put up the arch together, and it looks fabulous. I sat underneath it in my dad's chair and listened to 1960s Japanese music. That, alone, was divine. I had a bit of a scare when my glamor boy decided to chew on a lower branch of the tree, but he lost the taste for it and moved on to other things.
Meanwhile I went on an extra buns of steel walk with a friend who is part goat. She was unaffected by the steep grade of the main drag over here, which we were trudging up. I usually drive, and have to hit the gas to get the car up that hill. Then is suggested we finish with the super steep stairs. She made an amazing lemon cake for my birthday, which we ate without (for me) worrying about calories.
We finished up by ordering sushi and watching some tv. The cats were very good boys.
It was a lovely day.
Not bad, Birthday!
November 10, 2024
Election Week
Well that didn't go to plan. Less said, the better.
I filled my mind with work, and a visit to The Club Of My People, where I ate meatballs during a presentation about Norwegian Black Metal. One young man blurted out "My uncle was in that band but he wasn't good enough at singing or explosives," which was pretty funny. I sat next to a woman who showed us photos of her son mowing the grass on the ship burial mound in the backyard of their family property in Norway. A lot of us were people of a certain age coming full circle at this point in life. I met the secretary of the club who had been there ten years ago and felt too young for the scene. He now fits in. His sister dated someone in the Black Metal scene. I ate vegetarian meatballs and one of the best creme caramel of my life. The person who gave the presentation brought his own akvavit. We sang skol a lot. It's kinda like "the wave". You don't know who starts it or why, but once it's happening you have to go with it.
And here we are. New on the horizon is an examination of whether ADHD might frame some of my life's more special / least favorite moments. I don't think that this thought of would be surprising to the people who know me well. More on this as it develops. In the meantime, it's time to go grocery shopping and prepare for sumo tonight. Maybe I'll make some clam dip in celebration.
UPDATE: I looked up the ship burial. The site is recently being re-excavated. I thought the unusual name of the ship sounded familiar and realized that my 3rd ggfather had lived there on that farm in the 1860s.
Kinda cool.
November 5, 2024
And Now We Wait
Yup. Today's the day. I will descend into the garage and pull out the "Jessie Jackson Urges You To Vote" and hang it in the window, as is the custom. And there's nothing really to do. I'll wear my Vote earrings for one last time this year and hope for the best.
My guess? Kamala by a nose.
Anything else would be tragic. This is not a drill.
If he wins, his people will do everything they've been threatening / promising to do, and the world will be worse for it.
November 3, 2024
Near Miss
Happy Halloween 2024
I was late in finding this, but please enjoy and know that there are more ancient holiday post cards coming your way. This collection was saved by mrguy's grandmother when she was a child.
I would like the black cat to know that we share his feeling of horror in seeing two pumpkins kiss.