February 23, 2025


The prompt was about ritual and nature.

In mid-February the poorly pruned plum trees on the Parkway "pook", which is my word for bursting forth. The plum tree is giving me its little high five that it's early spring. He tells me that it's time to look around or I'll miss it.

I have a fair amount of time to think about it. I'm waiting for my burrito at my favorite taco truck. The smiling workers in their Gatorade green safety vests chat up the owner of Melting Pot, which is truly a place where the owner can make you anything. He also knows your order before you ask. He grumps when you say "yes" to the pickled carrots he offers -- EVERY TIME -- explaining what a pain they are to make. I refrain from saying "I love you but stop making them" EVERY TIME.

The wait gives me time to enjoy what a perfect little flower the plum flower is. And to take photos that hopefully capture the tree, the roadway, the school bus repair yard on the other side of the street and maybe some passing traffic on its way to the port, a few blocks away. 

The port closes at noon for lunch (unions, you know) and if I'm lucky, after I spend time taking in the faint almond smell of the poor plum, and some exhaust, the burrito steam and friendly banter, I'll take my yummy food tube and drive away. If I'm double lucky I'll see some 18-wheeler drivers, parked in orderly formation, asleep at the wheel, waiting for the port to reopen.

This only has meaning for me, but I think (and hope) that everyone has their own version of these thoughts.

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