Many years ago, when I was young, I lived in an apartment that adjoined an Irish pub. I loved that place. It was my other living room, and I learned so much living there and hanging out with my fellow regulars. It was both Leftie and politically correct and so *uncorrect* at the same time. Just like in "All In The Family" (which was still on at the time) my friends were identified by nicknames like English Mike (a vacuum cleaner salesman), Black Mike (a contractor), Blind Rick (a humorous letch) and Rev (he was the doorman, a tiny little cheerful but tough guy with bowed legs, a grey ponytail, leather vest and newsboy cap. Poor as a church mouse but I heard he had saved thousands of dollars in a coffee can for his funeral). Anyhoo, through all of these folks I, a senior in college and otherwise fresh from a Republican suburb, learned a few things about how the world really works.
My landlords owned the bar, and they lived in the apartment next door. He was a bit older, she was my age, and now we're all old : ) During the early days of the pandemic I heard the bar was struggling, so I made a donation. My PayPal is in my maiden name, so they looked me up to thank me and now we're fb friends. I've really enjoyed following their doins for two years, and was so happy to hear that they were reopening on St. Patrick's Day. I took some time off work in order to get there early. I put on my mask, walked in for the first time in many many years and got to share some hugs. They insisted on sending me off with food, so I retaliated with another donation. That'll show them! And this would have been impossible back in the day.
When I think of my landlords I am filled with gratitude. They gave me a safe spot for many years, looked after me, and cared about me. I'm lucky to have known them and I look forward to renewing our friendship.
I hope they find my favorite poster "Tell Fidel I Will Do My Duty" and hang it up again.