November 6, 2022

No Such Thing As A Free Lunch

Friday was great. Thursday kicked my butt, and it was really great to be able to work from home. Plus we got beauty mail -- some Bautz'ner senf (mittelscharf).

My office mate was such a good boy in the afternoon, sleeping sweetly on a favorite pillow.

Yesterday was a banner day. I was allowed to visit my mom in her apartment for the first time since she gave us both Covid. It was pretty nice, all in all. No biting or throwing or cursing or wanting people dead.

She was on Norco for pain, because of her fractured pelvis (but she is apparently walking a bit). I could barely get her to raise her head, but she was really cozy because I was there. I mostly just held her hand. Her caregiver that day was super nice, and when her back was turned my mom woke up enough to stick out her tongue to diss her. Oy, mama!! Also she woke up just enough to hate on Novak Djokovic, the tennis player she dislikes. I swear that the only full sentence she uttered was "He's been better recently". Other than that I could just interpret. When she rubbed the ring on my right hand, I knew that that was her way of saying that the rubies in it were from my grandmother, for example. Her caregiver brought her lunch, and I slipped away.

I was super happy to see free candy by the front door!! I missed Tootsie Rolls this Halloween, so I selected one and walked toward the parking lot. I looked down to see that it had been stickered with a Bible verse -- payment for my sin of eating sugar.

I am used to verses on my paper placemat on Alaska Airlines lunches, and on stuff you get at In and Out (which I've only been to once, that I can recall). This was a first.

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