March 30, 2024

Friday Joy

I now understand the small and big joys of those going through cancer challenges. It's probably a joy of this week that his doctor said he won the biomarker lottery by being a candidate for immuno, chemo and targeted therapies. 

Not a joy that the dr called Thursday night and talked us into going to the ER, an hour away, because he thought mrguy may have had a heart attack. 

Joy that the dr was wrong and my husband did not have a heart attack and that after testing we know that his heart is actually normal. 

Definitely a joy that we got his nausea under control this week, the day after he complemented me on my fine choice of barf bucket for the long ride to the hospital.

Not a joy that a can of water burst in my bag at the same time a 30-day supply of my anti-anxiety medicine spilled in same bag. Currently drying out the pills and the bag.

But an amazing joy this week was a gift basket put together by my teammates at work, who I have worked with for 10 to 21 years. Fun, silly, tasty, weird items, and items with meaning. Stuffed animals, candy and snacks from the Japanese supermarket. Vintage cat postcards, a book by Jack Paar and a guide to sustainable mending. Magazines about cats and Kate Middleton, and a selection of items from our snack cabinet in the archives (diet coke, Swedish Fish, Gardettos, Goldfish). 

I am overwhelmed by their love and support. Time for a diet coke. Mockingbirds are talking outside the window. Mrguy let me feed him breakfast. Today feels great.

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