August 13, 2022


I looked at a house listing today and saw a photo of a laundry room with two hand-lettered signs. One said "Fold" and the other "Repent". Repent? What a weird sign to have in your laundry room. You do want to sell this house, right? I even downloaded the photo to look at it more closely. It was low res, but still appeared to say "Repent". Hours later I realized it was "Repeat". A little more cheery, but still it smacks of "This is the room of endless drudgery."

Speaking of tasks, today I made lots of lists and wrote many emails related to Mom's move. Then I left the home to pick up some things for Mom. My phone was on fire with texts, and in the makeup aisle a man was assisting a blind woman (and her service dog) with their mascara needs. Apparently the right mascara helped the man find a husband 14 years ago. I was supposed to buy makeup for my mom but ended up leaving that aisle and finding the two of us a lot of nail polish.

After all of that stimulus I totally had to wind down with making applesauce for mrguy, binge eating and watching Dr. Alex Tubio chiropractic videos on youtube. As you do.

The little boy kept me company.

One other little photo:

The other day the caregiver and I took mom to the dentist to fix her snaggletooth. He also gave mom a cleaning. She looks pretty good! While we were in the waiting room I noticed that she was wearing this ring. I won it at my elementary school fair and gave it to her. Off and on for the last 50 or so years she's continued to wear it. It's very sweet. And she's been very sweet for several weeks now.

Let's hope the trend continues.

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