August 22, 2022


My queen is snoring on the other side of the room. Thank goodness.

I was supposed to go back to work today, and I was unable to because of the queen's business.

Yesterday I had the day off. My sister came down to relieve me. Unfortunately mom ragged on her all day and tried to pack, give away her stuff, cried, ranted, etc. You know, normal mom stuff. She didn't go to sleep until 4am. Sounds so incredibly horrible.

I dreaded today. It was Comcast day. Mrguy got the tv working, in one of his masterful moves of last week. However we couldn't activate the modem and therefore get the phone working. This was stressing everyone out. And the cable has been EFFED ever since someone changed the account password and didn't write it down. It's been a mess ever since. But the nice Comcast Store guy helped again and we did some deep workarounds that let me be a user on the account. Mrguy then got the modem working and the phone working and that's one huge problem taken care of.

Another problem, mom's eyedrops, was also taken care of. Spoke with the nurse practitioner at mom's doctor's office, and told him of her deep emotional distress as well. He will coordinate with the folks at memory care, and perhaps that will also be a problem solved. If we have to sedate her to get her and all of us through this, so be it.

At the same time we had some help from oldest neph's wife and oldest daughter. They took a huge baker's rack off our hands at the old apartment and carted it and some other things off. Their help made me so grateful. And they brought me a lychee strawberry soda and dropped off some other stuff at the house. Now there are fewer items over there and we got some sweet family attention, as well.

Back at the fun factory, it was apparently less awful today. This whole thing is hard for everybody, but so much of it rests on my shoulders and today I felt tender. It was my 22nd anniversary at the forklift factory, and my teammates wrote such lovely words to me. I read them in the car on the way to Comcast and it made me cry, and humorously all I had to dab my drippy nose with was a white cotton glove.

Good night, people. My mom is still snoring Earlier in the evening she seemed to be having trouble drawing a breath and I nudged her a little until she snorked awake. 

I'm still a nice person.

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