August 14, 2007


My gizzards are not right.

I realized this after lunch, when my stomach repeatedly made gurgling noises that reminded me of the time when I ate those Pringles with Olestra. "This can't be good," I thought. And I did not perk up, so I went home while I still had my wits about me. I felt *so* cruddy, but I figured I'd catch up on my blogging while I was in the weeds.

I sparked up the computer to tell mrguy that I got home safely and commence the blogging, but before I could even do that, his car was in the driveway and he was making a quick beeline for the restroom. He was roughly the color of raw beef, his eyes were bloodshot and he was only room temperature. Not so hot.
Seeing him so sick, I really felt much better by comparison. We went to the doctor, got some antihistamines and an epi-pen, and called in sick to uke class.

For the record, I still feel like dooky.
However I always did want to go through the drive-thru pharmacy, and now I share it with the world!!

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