July 6, 2016

Nothing Says Vacation Like Sanitarium Brand Weetbix

Like I said. I'm eating a bowl and mentally preparing for vacation.

Family vacation. 

There are certain constants: 1) one sister has a terminally ill cat. This is, sadly, traditional. 2) I have to head out immediately after vacation (last year I had to leave after three days to move the mama to her new place. This year I have to go on a work trip the day after we return). 3) Underlying sibling tension: traditionally during vacation this has been bigsis blowing out over the close relationship between middlesis and I, and feeling left out. But the torch passed to middlesis. It's a good time: one of us will hold back the waves of anger for a few days and then either explode, or light the long fuse and explode / self-congratulate for waiting at a later date. Who knows? Could be me this year.

As always there is mama drama, or a mama-related family project. Two years ago we spent the vacation setting her up with autopay for all of her bills. Last year we spent trying to figure out her health care in her new zip code. This was a group project but god love middlesis for enduring the 3-hour phone calls with the HMO. Finally, it is customary for us to have lengthy and un-fun family pow-wows about family business, our family trust, whatever, because we siblings aren't often in the same place at the same time.

This year I am mixing it up. Less tension and planning beforehand. More deep breathing. More participation, perhaps?

Time will tell.

1 comment:

Richard P said...

The title of this post gave me a good laugh.

Good luck and I hope you get some enjoyment!

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