December 13, 2021

So You Don't Have To

It turns out that my millennial friends don't listen to NPR on the radio on the way to work the way that I do, so much of this will be lost on them. However, for those who do -- this is for you.

For a billion years Susan Stamberg, she of the umami-laden voice, has shared her mother's recipe "Mama Stamberg's Cranberry Relish" on NPR right before Thanksgiving. It's a decades-long tradition that she dutifully spins into different takes on the recipe every year (with the recipe not changing). The older I get the more I think I will make the recipe. This is the year, my friends.

I made it, so you don't have to.

Why the fear of the recipe? The ingredients: horseradish, onion, sugar, sour cream, raw cranberries. Couldn't wrap my head around the combination. Didn't get around to it before Thanksgiving, but finally made it this weekend.

Guess what? It's effing delicious. My plan was to make the recipe and share small dabs of it with people on my Buy Nothing group who have wanted to experience it. But I might eat it all myself.

It looks like meatloaf when you're making it.
Here is the recipe, as shared by Susan Stamberg.

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