October 16, 2022

But Wait! There's More!

OK, so I'm in bed with Covid and my mom has it asymtomatically and is in the hospital with pelvic fractures.

They want to discharge her from the hospital but there is nowhere for her to go. 

There's a full outbreak in her memory care neighborhood so she can't go back there. Nobody can go in or out. Thanks, Old People. I got it from you.

The OT and PT have ranked her as needing the maximum support (plus she has Covid). She can barely lift herself, is in a lot of pain and won't take her meds (including pain meds). Skilled nursing is the only and best place for her. Hah! There are no beds in the area that have that level of care who will *also* take a Covid positive patient. Even if she gets to skilled nursing, I'm not sure how we'll get her 24/7 care. She needs it because she'll try to get out of bed, she'll fall, and will only become more severely injured and not die.

She will not die. My mom is like Chucky.

Meanwhile, back at the hospital she is being horrible to everyone, not taking her meds and not eating. She could end up just running out the clock on this by causing herself to die, but I doubt it. None of us can talk to her because she doesn't have her hearing aids. Nobody can see her because...Covid.


I am grateful that I am stuck in my bed for this one. Sisters are on the case and working together peacefully. I feel like crap and I have filled a paper shopping bag with used kleenex, and thank god for The Crown, because I need something consistent to keep me company while I doze.

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