October 19, 2022

Taking A More Somber Tone

OK, so I just finished saying that my mom was like Chucky. Well maybe she's not. She's been a complainer, a threatener and an insult comic in the recent past, but she may actually be winding down.

She's still in the hospital with Covid and some pelvic fractures. She doesn't have her hearing aids with her. We can't see her without risking Covid or agitating her further. Skilled nursing beds for Covid patients have not panned out. And she keeps refusing food. It's just awful.

Our plan b has been getting her back to her apartment in the locked down memory care ward, but their requirements for even considering this are:
  1. Mandatory physical therapy
  2. Mandatory 24/7 caregiving from here on out
So in order to get mom out of the hospital so we can maybe save her life through nutrition, we have to do those two things. The Hammer got them done. This morning she was super fired up and said she didn't know what she was going to say to whom today, but things would be said. So we think my mom will be released to our care tomorrow. "Our" means our caregivers who will be working in mom's locked down memory care ward.

There is very little I can do. I can imagine the caregivers needing me to bring them things and my not being able to because I'm still symptomatic (I'll do a rapid test again tomorrow). Guess I'll have to rally the troops, or as the Hammer thinks of them, those assholes who don't do anything for the family. She doesn't know that they actually *do* things for the family. 

It's frustrating to be accustomed to being able to help and not to be allowed to. I checked to see if there is any possibility of my visiting my mom at the hospital at this point, but I'm too symptomatic. The fever has gone away but I'm still left with a reduced sense of smell, body aches, exhaustion, runny nose and a cough.

So now we wait. The initial reports talked about recovery, but I don't know what that even means. I guess we'll see.

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