October 21, 2022

Feisty Mom

My older sister told me a story I hadn't heard. It was pretty fantastic and shows what we've been up against for the past few months...

Middle sister came for a visit this last week, and she brought an animatronic dog for mom. She thought that maybe it could keep her company while she didn't have caregiving at night. But when she got here she learned about mom's Covid, and need to quarantine. This meant that my sister came out here but couldn't visit mom. She decides to leave the animatronic dog at the front desk and to ask our caregiver to say it's a present from all of us kids.

The caregiver gives mom the dog. She's so pissed that my sister is here but not coming to see her that she hurls it to the floor. The caregiver brings the pieces of the dog back up to the bed where mom's sitting and my mom wrings its neck.

That's my mom. Or at least the mom I had recently. Sassy sassy mom. It's so weird to think that I will miss her slings and barbs some day, but I will. That is her personality.

That was yesterday. 

The Hammer did her thing and got the world to bend to her command. Mom is going home to her apartment today. And The Hammer put pt/ot in place and hired additional caregivers and got mom's community to take her back. And when last heard from my mom was verbally abusing the person who was bedside, trying to get her to eat. She is to return home this afternoon.

One thing that is happening due to all of this is that my mom will now have 24/7 caregiving. That is fantastic, and makes it possible for me not to be that caregiver. That's positive, especially since all reports are that she is lots more hateful than before. I don't want her to be awful to other people, but I need to have some options to see or not see her. 

All will be revealed.

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