January 13, 2007

Best Dressed Chicken in Town

Mr Guy has put me on a strict diet of bed rest. The antibiotics seemed to have kicked the bacteria in the ass, but to a stranger who hasn't seen the progress I'd look like a person with a really bad cold and cough.

But my sense of smell has returned, and with it my joy for life. So today, when we went for a drive, turned left to avoid a school of bicycle dudes and a fire truck and GLORY BE ended up near the Japanese market, we shopped. And so I ate kimpira gobo and made Japanese mountain potato in shiso vinegar (so snotty!) and went back to my cozy bed with all of my Hawaii books and my laptop and my personal book and my postits and organized my thoughts about next week. Dude, we are going to Hawaii.

My personal book and my bookmarks are divided into: food, music, nature, architecture, arts, ukulele and *random* I know where a lot of the good musicians are playing in Waikiki next week, and I intend to see them all for the price of a Mai Tai. God I love Hawaii. Plus Girlfriend from uke class is in town also, so perhaps we'll see a few of them together :)

In the meantime, Mr Guy summoned me from my bed to look at the beautiful comet in the sunset that looked like a long shining peach colored needle headed for the horizon. And when I returned to bed to compose my Hawaii thoughts, he made a cd for Mrs Randommeats and in the process decided that ukulele is the perfect instrument to accompany 70's dub reggae. Keith and Tex's "Tonight" has the same chord structure as Sparks' "Goofing Off."

Who knew?

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