September 25, 2022

Breast Reduction

I am so tired of seeing titti grafitti while walking to and from the archives.

Amazon is delivering me some green spray paint today, and I will use it to de-tittify the alley, while a quiet voice inside says "Fuck the patriarchy."


Update: now isn't that better? I had the spray paint in my bag and was ready to use it, but I also brought some nail polish remover (i.e. acetone) with me as backup. And when I was getting it out of the trunk where I'd stashed it I found an old mama sock. And then as I got to the dumpster I saw a guy eating lunch on the sidewalk, so I went stealth mode. Acetone, applied with an old lady sock worked like a charm and it only took two shakes of a lamb's tail to remove the breastses from the alley where I have to see it all the time.

Now I kinda want to go back and make it not look so smeary, but I will restrain myself.

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