September 23, 2022

Turns on a Dime

Our caregiver and I did the trade-off after the octopus died the other night. She sensed that my mom was hungry but mom said she wasn't, and then she was.

I do not cotton to tennis, as we have discussed, so lately I tell the cable remote to bring me Shark Tank. Mom was hungry so I went into the bathroom (has water and a counter) to fix up a plate of peanut butter crackers and banana for us to share. While my back was turned she had filled two coasters with cheezits, one for each of us, which was completely adorable. Then she plussed the peanut butter, topping it with cheezits. Note: she eats so many cheezits that I always offer her prunes "Nature's candy, Mom!" so she doesn't get all plugged up. We both love prunes.

In this last photo she is using the coaster to try to split the last prune, but fails in her efforts and ends up biting it in half for me. Baby bird that I am, I accepted her half prune.

Ah the nurturing instincts of motherhood. Also instinctual? When I went to leave and her PAL was tucking me in she urged me to stay the night. When I responded that I was going home she fixed her gazerbeam on me and said "I suggest that you stay or I will tell everybody your secrets."

I gave her a cheery "Bye Mom!" and scooted out the door, past Janice and her cohorts asleep in club chairs in the hallway.

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