September 18, 2022

People Blowing the Scene

Last night a sweet friend completed her journey. That's what they called it. It was my friend's mom, who started seeking my counsel about senior living communities. It was so lovely to have these talks with her, with an older woman whose wits were so intact. The last time we saw her we were invited over for dinner. She later spoke to some of us in her room at our friends' house. She talked about a wonderful group of women with terminal diagnoses at her ashram who talked about life, spiritual stuff, getting ready, and whether or not they will wear socks when they are cremated. She gave me this bracelet and necklace. I've been wearing the necklace all week. Her Caringbridge invitation came the other day. And now I'm headed over to pay my last respects.

Can I say that the hits just keep coming? In the last few weeks my cousin died, friend at work, my friend's mom, and I got another Caringbridge invitation this week (work friend who has had successful lumpectomy surgery). And on Thursday our work day was hijacked by another person's Stage 4 diagnosis (we will pull all of his designs and photos so that his family can see how beloved this very private person was). I will be going through my work friend's material this week, and have had to reach out to people who know his family re: the items that he texted me that he wanted returned to the factory after he died. Or as he put it:

"Anything I have from Hammerslag is all willed back to Hammerslag when I kick the bucket." followed by a list of what that was.

I will follow today's viewing by a day with my robust mom. She was in good spirits yesterday and today I'm hoping for the same.

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