September 22, 2022


Mrguy is the king of continuing mama cleanup. Every day he goes to the recycling center or figures out how to deal with E-waste or ships something to my sister. I'm getting around to my own things as I can.

When he and neph and I moved, I asked them to put any hearing aid and bed alarm parts in one bin as they found them. There were tons. Over the years there were repeated complaints from my sister about the bed alarms not working. I replaced them often. And then I'd find where in the apartment she'd stashed them and they'd all be working. The last replacement happened when she somehow lost a unit between our nephew's house and a different nephew's house. Not sure how this occurred, but I came to anticipate the losses, and that she'd forget to take things out of her purse (keys, credit cards, disabled parking card) when she traveled home and would have to send them back when we discovered them missing. She does a lot on behalf of mom and the family, but this forgetfulness is part of the tradeoff.

A few weeks back I matched up all of the pairs of motion sensors. They all found their mates and all worked. Except for the one part that lost its mate. That gizmo went to E-waste.

Yesterday I also matched up all of the hearing aid parts, in their crazy mosh of boxes and instructions. At this point I don't even *care* whether I know how they work. The chaos of it all makes me insane. Boxes and stuff are now down to a minimum.

Last night I put the bed alarms on my buy nothing group and they're going away. Ahhhhh. Note that in this photo there is a label that says "unit 2". At one point I labeled them neatly and matched them up. On the other item there is some masking tape that has writing that says "works with unit 2". Duh? What happened to the label that said "unit 2"? Like they're both part of unit 2. All in the past, but we continue to work in such different ways.

Thank you for your service, bed alarm!

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